Can I Freeze...? Foods You Didn't Know You Could Freeze

Meals frozen in a freezer

Ever found yourself too excited at the prospect of $1 avocados, bought too many, then realised you'll never get through them in time? Well, if you've ever wondered "Can you freeze avocados?", you're in luck!

You can freeze pretty much anything!

Learning how to utilise your freezer more effectively can help you to save money and reduce food waste. And, it can also make meal planning and preparation a breeze. Discover new foods you didn't know you could freeze, and stop throwing perfectly good money food into the bin.

Can You Freeze Zucchini?

Whether you're growing zucchini, or making the most of seasonally-low prices during the summer months, freezing zucchini is a great way to put a little piece of summer on ice for future culinary adventures.

Frozen zucchini can be a valuable addition to your freezer, ready for use in soups, stews, stir-fries, or even baked goods like zucchini bread. Enjoy your zucchini year-round, even when zucchini season passes — around May time.

Can You Freeze Cheese?

Cheese lovers, you're in luck! You can absolutely freeze cheese — but there are some slight differences between hard and soft cheeses.

Your harder cheeses, such as the trusty cheddar, mozzarella, and Swiss, are all freezer-friendly champs. You can shred them or slice them up and stash them in airtight containers or snug freezer bags for up to six months. They'll hold their cheesy charm just fine.

Softer cheeses like cream cheese might get a bit quirky in the freezer. The texture might do a little dance, but they're still fine to be frozen - just be prepared for a slightly different texture and taste when you thaw them out.

Can You Freeze Cream?

So, you've got some leftover cream – can you freeze it? Yep, you totally can! But, similar to hummus, cream might do a little separation dance when it thaws. Just give it a good stir, and you're back in business.

When freezing cream (or any liquid for that matter) make sure to leave some room for expansion, as liquids like to stretch their legs in the freezer. If you've got a small amount, consider using an ice cube tray – it's like cream on the rocks, only frozen!

Can You Freeze Avocado?

The answer is a resounding yes! You can freeze avocados. To do so, start by cutting them in half, removing the pit, and scooping out the flesh. and -pro tip - a splash of lemon or lime juice goes a long way in retaining freshness, quality and taste.

Your frozen avocado can be used in a multitude of recipes. Whether you're blending it into smoothies, mashing it for guacamole, or spreading it on toast, having frozen avocados on hand can be a convenient way to minimize food waste and enjoy this nutritious fruit year-round.

A avocado in front of a fridge

Can You Freeze Yoghurt?

Many of us have wondered at some point whether we can freeze yoghurt - and the short answer is 'yes!" - but there are some important considerations to keep in mind. Freezing yoghurt can alter its texture and consistency, making it less enjoyable for topping your morning granola.

If you do decide to freeze yoghurt, I'd recommend opting for plain yoghurt rather than flavoured varieties — plain yoghurt tends to freeze better due to less sugar, which affects the freezing process. Once thawed, the once-frozen yoghurt is best used in smoothies or recipes where its texture change won't be as noticeable.

Can You Freeze Tofu?

Absolutely! Freezing tofu can transform its texture, making it firmer and giving it a more substantial, meaty quality — perfect for those seeking a meat substitute.

Before you freeze tofu, it's essential to prepare it properly. Start by draining the tofu and pressing it to remove excess water. Then just portion appropriately and freeze! You'll thank me later when grabbing pre-portioned pieces from the freezer, rather than trying to saw through a frozen block.

Can You Freeze Hummus?

Yep - you can! But similar to yoghurt, it's important to be aware that the texture of the hummus may change during the freezing process (there seems to be a slight trend here).

When thawed, hummus can become a bit grainy or separated. However, this doesn't mean you have to bid farewell to your beloved dip. Simply stir well after thawing which helps to blend the ingredients back together. So, if you find yourself with excess hummus, don't hesitate to freeze it for future enjoyment. Just remember to give it a good stir when it's time to use it again!

Can You Freeze Cabbage?

Cabbage is another great item that can be successfully frozen, especially if you intend to use it in dishes like soups and stews.

But similar to many other foods, freezing cabbage can change its texture. So, to retain as much quality as possible, I'd recommend you: boil the cabbage for a few minutes, cool it down quickly, and then portion it before placing it in the freezer. Cabbage that has been frozen and thawed is best used in cooked dishes like soups, stews, or stir-fries. Its slightly changed texture won't be as noticeable.

Can You Freeze Celery?

Celery is a versatile vegetable, finding its way into salads, soups, and snacks. But (as a surprise to nobody who's been paying attention) freezing can change celery's texture, making it less suitable for fresh preparations.

Similar to cabbage, a short boil and quick cooling before storing is the best way to maintain quality. Having frozen celery on hand can be a time-saver when you want to add flavour and nutrients to your cooked dishes.

Celery in a fridge

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken?

Cooked chicken can be a real lifesaver when you're looking to create quick and convenient meals. Fortunately, you can freeze cooked chicken for future use.

Whether you have leftover roast chicken, grilled chicken breasts, or boiled chicken, freezing is a smart way to prevent food waste and is perfect to streamline your meal planning. Frozen cooked chicken can be used in a variety of dishes, from casseroles to sandwiches and salads. It's a versatile ingredient that can save you time on busy days and ensure you always have a source of protein at your fingertips.

Can You Freeze Tomatoes?

If you have an abundance of tomatoes, freezing them is a great way to preserve their freshness for later use. Whether you've bought too many that are starting to look sad, or from a bumper crop from the garden.

When you're ready to use your frozen tomatoes, they work exceptionally well in sauces, soups, and stews, where their texture change won't be noticeable. Simply transfer the frozen tomatoes directly to whatever you're cooking up, and they'll impart their vibrant flavour to your dishes.

Can You Freeze Pumpkin?

While you definitely can freeze pumpkin, it lasts a surprisingly long amount of time fresh, especially if it's still whole with its thick skin still intact.

If you do opt to freeze, you'll want to peel, seed, and chop that pumpkin into the sizes you'll need for your future culinary adventures. If you're into baking or soups, you can also puree it. With frozen pumpkin at your disposal, you're primed for pies, muffins, soups, or whatever pumpkin magic you're conjuring up. Enjoy those autumnal flavours all year long!

Can You Freeze Mushrooms?

Whether you've got some raw mushrooms looking a bit sad or some leftover cooked ones, freezing them is a savvy move to cut down on food waste.

If you're going with the raw ones, start by giving them a good wash and making sure they're dry before freezing. For cooked, let them cool down completely before you stick them in airtight containers or freezer bags. Also - from experience - it's a great idea to separate them when freezing so that you don't end up with an amorphous blob of... mushroom.

Can You Freeze Rice?

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who will admit to accidentally cooking an ungodly amount of rice at least once in their cooking careers... and liars.

But can you freeze it? Heck yes, you can! Freezing cooked rice is a nifty time-saving trick for meal planning. But, like many other items, make sure to pre-portion it all first. Or as another little trick, giving it a little drizzle of olive oil and fluffing it up a bit prior to freezing means, it won't clump together in the freezer.

Frozen ingredients in the fridge

Tips to freezing your food properly

Cool completely 🌡️

Before putting anything into the freezer, it's important to ensure it's already at room temperature. Placing warm items in the freezer raises the total temperature and can cause other items to start to defrost. While it will very quickly freeze again, it may cause freezer burn, potentially reducing the quality, texture and taste of the food.

Pre-portion everything! 🍱

Nobody wants to have to deal with mini-icebergs of frozen veg or have to saw through a rock-hard mass of chicken. Keeping everything portioned into the amounts you'll use can be a great way to save yourself time (and stress) when grabbing a quick meal from the freezer. Freezer bags are your friend here, and are perfect to break up smaller amounts of food, especially sauces!

Label label label 🏷️

Nobody likes UFOs in their fridge - or unidentified frozen objects. Labelling your food with what it is and the date it was frozen is important. This will help you keep track of what you have in the freezer and when it was frozen, and help you use the oldest frozen items first, ensuring that nothing goes to waste!

Food expands when frozen 🧊

When freezing, any water molecules inside the food expand as they become ice crystals, which causes your food to expand too. This means that if you fill your containers right to the top, you're likely going to find a mess in your freezer the next day. Always leave some room in the container to give your food room to move about!

This is especially important for liquids or foods with high water content!
